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EAN : 9781447219897
289 pages
Picador (01/01/2008)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Pat Peoples knows that life doesn't always go according to plan, but he's determined to get his back on track. After a stint in a psychiatric hospital, Pat is staying with his parents and trying to live according to his new philosophy: get fit, be nice and always look for the silver lining. Most importantly, Pat is determined to be reconciled with his wife Nikki. Pat's parents just want to protect him so he can get back on his feet, but when Pat befriends the myster... >Voir plus
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Qui a écrit ces thrillers ?

Code 93 ?

Camilla Läckberg
Olivier Norek
Bernard Minier
Franck Thilliez

15 questions
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