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EAN : 9780099771012
224 pages
Random House (01/01/1997)
3.6/5   5 notes
Résumé :
Touching the Void An account of the ascent of the 21,000ft Siula Grande peak in the Peruvian Andes. Joe Simpson and his climbing partner, Simon Yates, had achieved the summit before the first disaster struck. What happened and how they dealt with the psychological traumas that resulted is the subject of this book. Full description
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The desire to stop abseiling was almost unbearable. I had no idea what lay below me, and I was certain only of two things: Simon had gone and would not return. This meant that to stay on the ice bridge would finish me. There was no escape upwards, and the drop on the other side was nothing more than an invitation to end it all quickly. I had been tempted, but even in my despair I found that I didn't have the courage for suicide. It would be a long time before cold and exhaustion overtook me on the ice bridge, and the idea of waiting alone and maddened for so long had forced me to this choice: Abseil until I could find a way out, or die in the process. I would meet it rather than wait for it to come to me.
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Video de Joe Simpson (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Joe Simpson
La Mort Suspendue, film de Kevin Macdonald sorti en 2004.
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Noms de famille et la nature

Noms; trois ont pour origine le bois, mais un quatrième est l'intrus, lequel?


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Thèmes : Noms de personnes , nature , montagnes , métier d'autrefois , animauxCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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