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EAN : 9781250063083
373 pages
Feiwel & Friends (16/05/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
In Thalia’s world, there is no need for food—everyone takes medication (or “inocs”) to ward off hunger. It should mean there is no more famine, no more obesity, no more food-related illnesses, and no more war. At least that's what her parents, who work for the company that developed the inocs, say. But when Thalia meets a boy who is part of an underground movement to bring food back, she realizes that most people live a life much different from hers. Worse, Thalia i... >Voir plus
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Used to be, you could pick up all the things in the store and weigh them in your hand. Compare the different colors and shapes made by some hopeful person who had to guess what other people might want instead of having people decide exactly what they want before it's produced. How funny and upside down the world used to be. Wasteful my mother would say. That's what led to all the trouble. Waste and inefficiency.
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Correspondances artistiques (1)

D'une Joconde à l'autre, séparément et chacun à sa manière à des dates différentes, deux artistes français ont célébré Mona Lisa en chanson (indice : Aigle et tête de choux) :

Serge Gainsbourg et Léo Ferré
Léo Ferré et Anne Sylvestre
Barbara et Serge Gainsbourg

10 questions
203 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : peinture , musique , histoire de l'art , Instruments de musique , musiciens , art , artiste , symphonie , mer , Japonisme , impressionnisme , sécession viennoise , Abstraction , Côte d'Azur (France) , romantisme , pointillisme , symbolisme , Pique-niques , joconde , leonard de vinci , renaissance , culture généraleCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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