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EAN : 9780615245362
232 pages
Blue Fairy Books (16/06/2009)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Two years after the sudden death of his fiancé, up-and-coming musician Isaac Owens is still grieving, haunted by memories of his tragic loss. Fresh off a world-tour, Isaac decides to seek solitude in the woods of South Georgia where he has recently inherited a house. It soon becomes apparent he isn't alone there after all. As he delves deeper into the mystery surrounding his inheritance, Isaac is drawn into its secrets whose only key to unlocking them lies behind a ... >Voir plus
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I adore books that can entertain me, but don't require my undivided attention to enjoy. I'm also infatuated with books that can make me laugh, maybe cry a little, and then give me the happily-ever-after ending I so want. But my biggest affection, my deepest love, is held for those books that grant me space in the author's world and offer transcendence.

I read Erik Tomblin's latest and was completely entranced. Like street lights that seem to grow closer until they soon begin to appear as stars that were made just for you, strung out along the streets like hushed party lights, The Space Between shakes free and transforms the world around you.

Now while I could go on and break the story down for you, I think the synopsis pretty much covers it. And sure, I could describe the intoxicating atmosphere, the fluid pace, the three-dimensional characters or even Tomblin's powerful, yet subtle style of writing, but fun would that be to read? My point exactly. No, much like trying to describe to someone the utter deliciousness of funnel cake or getting a Prada bag at bargain price, some things just have to be experienced.

I promise, you won't be let down.
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The Space Between (a novel by Erik Tomblin)
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