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EAN : 9781444761221
368 pages
Hodder Paperbacks (01/06/2017)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Spring, 1967. The trail of tragedy and destruction that followed the previous winter's flood seems to have died down; Florence is beginning to recover. But Inspector Bordelli does not feel the same sense of relief - he has not had a moment's peace since his investigation of a young boy's murder went disastrously wrong.

Unsettled and embittered, Bordelli resigns from the force and leaves the city. He could not continue to work as a policeman while the ... >Voir plus
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Bordelli finished his glass and got up to put another log on the fire. He went and tasted the pasta: it needed another two or three minutes. He'd set the table in grand fashion. White tablecloth, fine china plates and bowls, crystal tulip glasses, his grandmother's cutlery, clean napkins, a flask of wine, water, bread, oil and vinegar, salt and pepper, Parmesan cheese and grater... All laid out in order. That, too, was a new and pleasant habit of his, whether he was alone or in company. When he still lived at San Frediano in Florence, on the rare occasions he ate at home he would sit on the couch with his plate on his lap. He would never again make such mistakes. Rosa, his friend and stand-in mum, would always say: Eating is like making love; you have to do it right. And to think it was a retired prostitute who said this.
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Qui chantait ceci en 1977? On a tous dans le coeur une petite fille oubliée Une jupe plissée, queue de cheval, à la sortie du lycée On a tous dans le cœur un morceau de ferraille usé Un vieux scooter de rêve pour faire le cirque dans le quartier Et la petite fille chantait (et la petite fille chantait) Et la petite fille chantait (et la petite fille chantait) Un truc qui me colle encore au cœur et au corps Everybody's doing a brand-new dance now Come on babe do the locomotion I know you gonna like it if you give it a chance now Come on babe do the locomotion

Alain Souchon
Laurent Voulzy
Eddie Mitchell

12 questions
85 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : chanson française , années 60 , enterrement , animauxCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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