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EAN : 9781909457164
304 pages
D&B Publishing (01/04/2014)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
For many years Jack Welch wrote for Running magazine and Track & Field News, chronicling the extraordinary developments of running during the 1970s, 80s and 90's.

When Running Was Young and So Were We is based on his columns from this period and is a unique book - telling the story of how running became a way of life for millions.

It's a book about excellence, inspiration and greatness. Not just what it takes to cross the finish line fi... >Voir plus

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Vidéo de Jack Welch
Career Advice from Jack Welch
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Quiz Voir plus

Coupe du monde de rugby : une bd à gagner !

Quel célèbre écrivain a écrit un livre intitulé Rugby Blues ?

Patrick Modiano
Denis Tillinac
Mathias Enard
Philippe Djian

10 questions
861 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : rugby , sport , Coupe du mondeCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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