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Calloway Sisters tome 4 sur 5
? (19/11/2015)
4.17/5   3 notes
Résumé :
With a seven-year age difference, Ryke & Daisy have faced an uphill battle in the eyes of the world and their families. Known as the most adventurous, fast-paced couple — their next step has always been elusive to the rabid media.

Behind the scenes, heartbreaking troubles continue to test Ryke & Daisy’s resilience and shape their future together.

They promise:

To never slow down.
To never compromise who they are.>Voir plus
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Que lire après Calloway Sisters, tome 4 : Long Way DownVoir plus
Citations et extraits (19) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
All six of us fix our eyes on the rising sun.
There are moments you remember and people you will never fucking forget. While orange light bathes us, while tension flits far, far away, how much we've felt - all that we've bled - surrenders to our collective love.
Lifetimes, days, minutes spent together.
As we watch outward. As we watch upward. As our faces warm.
We live and breathe in quiet, blissful peace.
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Connor speaks first. "Those people either don't know you well or they believe in static versions of people. Because when you want to be heard, we hear you, Daisy."
"All of us do," Lo chimes in.
I begin to smile."Guess what ?" I say to both of them, the guys who watched me founder in Paris and find myself on a wild American road trip.
"What?" Lo asks.
"I've found my voice."
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There is a war inside me, where storm clouds roll over the sun and no matter how far I run, no matter how far I leap, it just grows colder and more numb. I hate feeling empty, but worse than that is the emptiness that can't be filled.
It's strange that I now have a name for this monster. I've given depression more life when I wish it would just go away.
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And their friendship isn't as fragile or as breakable as they'd like to imagine. You see, I have this theory.
Relationships that take the most effort and the most time become the mighiest, most resilient bonds in the end. So if this theory proves right, their friendship will be the strongest of them all.

About Ryke and Connor friendship.
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All the guys follow my gaze to their respective girl, but none of us head over there yet. We've always had this unspoken agreement for years.
Let the Calloway sisters have time together.
It makes our girls happy, and in the end, we all strive to please the people we truly fucking love.
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