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Citation de naemaly

The airport itself, a favorite target of Massoud's rockets, lay in ruins.
As Farid and I waited in line for our tickets, we found ourselves next to a group of a dozen women. They were dressed in the mandatory head-to-toe burqas, which rendered them invisible, except from the shoes that peeked out from the bottom of their suits. And what shoes they were : stylish, expensive shoes, high heels, low heels and flats, of the latest Italian styles. Possibly Ferragamos. The women were speaking Arabic , with Saudi accents.
"I could be shopping in Paris, but instead, I am here, in this awful place" one of the women said to another through the vent in her burqa.
The other women nodded in agreement.
"Yes, my husband has to be the tough-guy warrior, fighting for Islam," another huffed. "He thinks it brings him closer to God, and so here I am."
"We are stuck here" a third woman said, "in this cursed place".
All the burqas nodded.
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