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Citation de EffeLou

" Rico opened his office door and peered cautiously into the dimly lit restaurant. The lon, narrow room with its tables already set for dinner, its small, rectangular dance floor, the band dais decorated with flowers, was empty and silent. He listened intently, then stepped back into the office and shut the door.
'Be another half-hour before anybody shows up.' he said. 'What are you nervous about?'
Seated by the flat, ornate desk in a read-leather lounging chair was a blond giant of a man, whose thick, lumpy shoulders dwarfed the back of the chair. His clothes were creased and dusty. His slouch hat had an oil stain on the front, and the ribbon was frayed. His big, granite-hard face was yellowish white, and his eyes were pale grey: the colour of ice."

p 7
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