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Citation de Carole94p

P. 35

"My gods, you're just like another pur, Aiden!" You're no different than the rest of them. How irrational of me to think otherwise."
Aiden flinched as if I'd it him. "I'm no different than the rest? Do you hear yourself?"
"Whatever. Who cares, right? I'm just a half-blood." I pushed past him before I did do something irrational, like cry in front of him. Turns out, I didn't make it very far. I kept forgetting how fasr Aiden could move.
He blocked me, eyes flashing silver. "How can you even say I'm like the other pures? Answer me, Alex."
"Because... because you should know that those rules aren't fair to us!"
"This isn't about damn rules, Alex. I'm like the other pures?" He gave a low, sharp laugh. "You believe that?"
"But you think-"
Aiden grabbed my arm, pulling me right against his chest. The unexpected contact fried my brain. "If I was like every other pure-blood, I would have had you by now, without even thinking about the consequences for you. Every day is a struggle not to be like them."
I started up at him, shocked to hear him put it out there so bluntly. Words -and I always had words- totally escaped me. I would have had you by now. I was pretty sure I knew what he meant.
"So don't tell me I'm like the other pures."
"Aiden -I'm-"
"Forget it." He released me, a cool mask slipping onto his face. "Practice is over."
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