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Citation de bookheart

"But you and Redding have something. I don't know what it is. I don't blame you for it." On crutches, he couldn't lean toward me. He couldn't reach out and brush the hair out of my face. But something about th ecurve of his lips was more intimate than any touch. "A lot has happened. You have a lot to figure it out. I can be a patient man, Colorado. A devastatingly handsome, roguishly scarred, heartbreakingly courageous, patient man."
i rolled my eyes, but couldn't bite back a smile.
"So take whatever time you need. Figure out how you feel. Figure out if Dean makes you feel the way I do, if he'll ever let you in, and if you want him to, because the next time my lips touch yours, the next time your hands are buried in my hair - the only person you're going to be thinking about is me."
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