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Citation de diFunttiChro

“I’m not even sure that I was invited,” Poppy said, looking for an excuse to get out of the royal celebrations once and for all. “If it was for the Seadown family… Invitations have come specifically for me in the past.” She smiled inwardly, thinking that she had hit on the perfect answer.
“Actually, what it said was that ‘every eligible young lady was invited along with her guardians,’” Lady Margaret gave Poppy a triumphant smile. “You happen to be an eligible young lady.”
“And so am I,” Ellen said.
They turned to look at her.
“I’m an eligible young lady,” she said louder. She thrust her chin out. “And you know that I wasn’t born a maid.”
Poppy gave a low whistle. She had to admire Ellen’s bravery. Sullenness was one thing, but coming right out with her grievance in front of her employer was quite another.

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