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Critiques de John Pilger (1)
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The New Rulers of the World

I had another book lined up until I heard the sad news that John Pilger had died. John was an inspiration in my profession for many years. i have always admired his thirst for the truth, truly without fear or favour. The New Rulers of the World, not a new book, is as relevant today as when it was first published in 2002. Elections come and elections go, but the same greedy, heartless warmongers remain in charge. The military industrial complex headquartered in the US continues to call the shots, and will continue to do so until its source of funding - arms sales - is cut off. Not likely to happen any time soon, but nit will happen. The shifting sands continue to shift, and, slowly but surely, some parts of the world are waking up. Rest in peace John Pilger; and thank you.
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