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Citation de Sodapop_Curtis

And she ? Where would she go ?
The atoms that had been herself would mingle with the oxygen and nitrogen in the air. Instead of ending up buried in the gound, she would become a part of the sky : that was the way to look at it. Her invisible remains would combine, over time, with all the wonders under the sun. When it snowed, she would be part of it, falling softly to earth, rising up again with the snow's evaporation. When it rained, she would be there in the spectral arch that spanned from firth to ground. She would help to wreathe the fields in mists, and yet would always be transparent to the stars. She would live forever. All it took was the courage to press one button, and the faith that the connection had not broken.
She reached forward a trembling hand.
"Here I come," she said.
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