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Citation de OlivierMaldent

Deqo cannot see what anyone would want with Karl Marx; she looks like she has TB, typhoid, and every kind of sickness going. In Saba'ad people would have run from her.
'Look at me,' she says.
Deqo stops and looks her squarely in the face.
'How old do you think I am?'
There are already white hairs on her head, her breasts beneath the sheer diric hang down to her navel; she is far into old age in Deqo's estimation.
'Go on, say it.'
'Fifty? Fifty-five?'
Karl Marx laughs, revealing broken khat-stained teeth. 'You little bitch! Take twenty off that and you're close.'
Deqo smiles in return, not believing her words but too polite to challenge them. 'Why are you called Karl Marx?' she asks.
'Because I have shared and shared and shared until there is nothing left to give.'
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