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Citation de carinasimoes

"I guess I wanted a mom. I wanted a family, and I wanted you to see me play the guitar," I tell her. "I wanted to see you Christmas morning and to smile at me and miss me and hold my sister when she was sad or lonely or scared." I watch as she just sits there silently, her eyes glistering. "I wanted you to like us. I wanted you to tell my father that he was a good guy who deserved better than you and that he should stop waiting for you. I wanted you to tell us to stop waiting."
"I wanted to figure you out. I wanted to understand why my sister died of a heart attack at seventeen years old, because she was taking drugs to keep her awake to study and be the best daughter, athlete, and student, so you would come back and be proud of her and want her!"
"I wanted to understand why you didn't come to your own child's funeral," I charge "Your baby who was lying on a dark, wet, cold road for hours alone while your new kids," -I shove at a picture frame on her desk, making it tumble forward- "in your new house," -another picture frame- "with your new husband," -the last picture frame- "were all tucked safe and warm in their beds, but not Annie. She was dying alone, having never felt her mother's arms around her."
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