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Citation de Tess_reading

"And Ellie," he says darkly, and now I step forward, grabbing his jacket and not caring 𝑤ℎ𝑜 might be taking pictures.
"Seb, no."
"Ellie loves Alex. Boring, stupid Alex. I !" He lifts one hand, nearly smacking me in the face. "I am the interesting brother. I b-bought her a ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒."
"You tried to steal a house from a farmer, and also you're seventeen," I remind him.
"But I love her," he replies, and then from behind us, I hear, "What?"
Great. Greatgreatgreat. Exactly what this moment needs.
Alex and Ellie stand there, clearly worried and confused. They're holding hands, and I think for a second of the tableau we must all make standing there. Me clutching Seb's jacket, Miles right beside me, Dons giggling his stupid drunk ass off.
Seb's chest rises and falls underneath my hands as he takes a deep breath, and I hope - 𝐼 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑦 - that he's not-
"I'm in love with Eleanor," he announces, and we all freeze for just a second.
And then Alex - sweet, noble, quiet Alex - rears back and punches Seb right in the face.
Which is when things go crazy.
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