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Citation de The_Noir

Twombly's most frequently used source of poetic fragments for his inscriptions is Rilke, followed by Keats, Sappho, Seferis, Spenser, and Mallarmé. A total of 7435 cited authors can be loosely classified according
to Twombly's stylistic development. In feverishly and briskly industrious phases, we find-to name only the most important stages-Sappho, starting in the summer of 1959 [fig. 1o], Mallarmé in December [fig. 2], Keats in August 1960 [ills. 17, 19], Pindar in November of the same year, Lorca and Neruda in the mid-1960s, and, starting in 1973, the "pastoral poets: Virgil [fig. 9], Bion of Smyrna, Spenser, Theocritus [fig. 8], and Andrew Marvell.
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