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EAN : 9780671017095
80 pages
4.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :

If you'd like to share a very special glimpse into the innermost hopes and dreams of a sensitive teenage girl...keep moving.
But if you want to read a bunch of stuff about jocks, airheads, poseurs, parents, psycho teachers and the other frightening facts of American high school've come to the right book.
Que lire après The Daria DiariesVoir plus
Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
"Babysitters Guide to New Endings for Classic Bedtime Stories"- THE UGLY DUCKLING:"...the ugly duckling looked down into the water, and there he beheld a beautiful swan. 'Wow'!, he thought, 'if I can change my life, anyone can'. He developed a series of self-improvement tapes and grooming products that he marketed to unattractive animals with poor social skills. He successfully exploited their insecurities, accumulating a large nest egg for himself and eventually retired to his own private pond with his striking swan trophy wife"
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"Left the town of Highland this morning with no regrets, looking forward to the move to Lawndale with excitement and anticipation. Then I remembered my family was coming, too."
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"When you're at the art museum, and you don't understand a piece, say 'How postmodern' and move on."
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Video de Anne D. Bernstein (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Anne D. Bernstein
Daria - Vos gueules les mouettes
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Orgueil et ..., de Jane Austen ?


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