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Critique de LeCDIdEmilie

A curse seems to perpetuate on the Baskervilles family from one generation to another and causes strange dramatic disapearances by giantic hound according to the legend. This thriller takes place on the gloomy moor of the Devonshire's province located in the south of England. Sherlock Holmes and his faithful partner Dr. Watson have to deal with the investigation by travelling through all the country and trying to collect crucial informations thanks to Baskervilles' family members. I like this tense book because it combines super natural like supersition elements and rational explanations. Furthermore, the storyline is perfectly crafted and becomes highly entertaining. Finally, this novel is easy to read even if some passages are written in an old english language. (Amélie)

Personally, what surprised me is that throughout the story, the suspected character keeps changing. What's even more surprising is that you never really know who Sherlock Holmes is.
I really liked Dr Watson who is the loyal companion and confident of Sherlock Holmes. Firstly, he is the narrator so you cannot dislikehim and secondly, he is very committed to his job. For example, he gets worried whenever Sir Henry Baskervilles is in danger.
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