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Critique de LeCDIdEmilie

Writting by George orwell, The Animal farm is a story of a groupe of farm animal who rebel against their human farmer. Willing to create a society where animals can be equal, free and happy. But the situation get even worst when the pigs take the power and rule by terror and inegality, they are immoral, selfish and egocentric.
i enjoy it because i felt like i was reading a sad diary. I really appreciated following the evolution of tghe farm over the years and it's progressive decline witch is described in a very detailed way.

I really like this book. In fact, it's a funny book which shows how animals can drive humans off a farm and run it. Animal farm made me discover a new style of book. Then the way of using animals to criticize the Russian revolution is a good idea. I also like the fact that the characters are animals. I recommend it!
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