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Critique de ReadinginRheims

I personally LOVED this book. Actually, it may be the best I read in my entire life so far! The drawings are spectacular and it really brings the reader into the story, like you're in the book. This isn't a regular love story ("some are meant to be and others are cursed.")
Finally, I think the best thing in all the story is the female protagonist trying to be light. She is scared to go dark. And even though she goes through many obstacles, she manages to choose her fate. So I hope you will read this book and enjoy it, like I did.

I read Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. It was an interesting book, very easy to read. What I loved about it was, not only the story itself, but the drawings: there were so many details! Every page was delightful to see!

I really liked this book. I loved the characters, Ethan and Lena. I was very intrigued by the family of Lena and by the town history. I’ve appreciate watching Ethan falling in love with Lena – who is a very mysterious and interesting character. I didn’t find the book boring. It was such a delight to read, and there are some awesome drawings too! I really recommend this book!

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