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Critique de Eloloo

19 septembre 2015
Awesome. I think that word sums it up. What more can I say except that it was an amazing story? If you're a fan of Atlantis, just read the book. Being a fan of the Stargate franchise, I found a couple of references there, although I don't know if M. Stel Pavlou intended to put them here or not (like the zero point energy, which reminded me of the zero point module in Stargate, to name one). I'm not a native english speaker, and so I must admit, I had some difficulties understanding all the technical words, because there are a lot of it. You feel when you read the book that the author just had to spend an incredible amount of time researching and exploring all kinds of fields. I've heard there will be a Decipher 2, and I just have one thing to say. BRING IT ON!!
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