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A thrilling adventure, filled with circumlocutions, established of mythical and fantastical magic, will know satisfy your envies !

Rick Riordan is an American writer. He comes from Texas. He received three Nobel prize including that of Edgar-Allan-Poe in 1999. He writes books into the fantasy genre. He signs most of the time saga with about four books.

One objective in head for Percy Jackson : achieve his quest by raising the challenges of the Gods of the Olympe. He is going to have to realize the impossible to avoid the oracle's bad prediction. He can change the course of history and play the ultimate card, him Poseidon's son.

This book will plunge you in the Greek's world, the fantasy and the adventure but you will not drown yourselves that of pleasure ! You will follow the fabulous Percy, the beautiful Annabeth, the protector Grover and others in this world which will make you dream. This track race sports in feelings will transport you until the Mixed-Blood's camp. These are half-gods, born from the affair between a God and a mortal. They are trained in this basis to protect the Earth of a God's revolt.

This comics is a success ! Thanks to the pictures and to the style's speech, this book is open-readers. It is easy to understand and we take care of the spectacular of the frame of the history.

I really liked a lot this book. We feel at once taken in the story's atmosphere with the characters which we can even become identified. They have a real character. The story keep me turning the pages. It really occupies a special place in my bookcase. Do not hesitate to read the five original books and to watch the two movies. In the same kind of the story, you are gonna enjoy the Narnia's saga too.

Good reading !

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