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3.75/5 (sur 2 notes)

Nationalité : Canada
Biographie :

Après avoir travaillé au Canada et en Afrique du Sud comme journaliste, Loreth Anne White s'est installée dans les montagnes.
Elle aime skier, faire du vélo et de la randonnée avec son chien.

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Bibliographie de Loreth Anne White   (8)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
Her goal in life is to help others cope with mental adversity, to show that one does not have to be irreparably destroyed by horrific actions of the past. Her goal, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, is to show, again and again, that a person can make a choice to change the narrative, to overwrite the patterns of history. That a person does not have to be defined by the past. Or by genetics. People can change. It’s her life calling. Her purpose. And everyone needs a purpose.
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And always hidden beneath the narratives are the secrets. Deep and dark and primal. Everyone has them. And the more you watch someone, the more you begin to see how hard they are working to hide the dark secrets that drive them.
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“We die as we live,” says Fareed, reaching for a ruler. “Our mental and physical traumas, our pasts, daily habits, lusts, desires, fetishes, addictions—it’s all written into the body.”
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All the stalker wants from the Bradley family . . . is everything.
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