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Finally, Tretiakovna glanced at Zilwicki with one eyebrow raised. The Manticoran looked back, then checked his chrono just a bit conspicuously, and nodded.
“All right, Victor,” she said. “Time’s up! What’s more ridiculous than a one-armed bimbo?”
Cachat’s lips might—might—have twitched slightly, but he gave no other sign that he’d even heard her. Instead, he gazed down at the table for another several seconds before he looked up.
“The answer to your question,” he told her, “is organizing an expedition to find out what happened in that star system, using some of the Attila ships captured at the Battle of Torch. And we need to do it with a reasonably powerful force. I’m figuring at least a cruiser and two or three destroyers.”
Tretiakovna rolled her eyes. Daud al-Fanudahi frowned. Most of the others only looked confused, however, and Zilwicki smiled to himself.
Welcome to Victor’s Wild Ride, he thought. I’d call it Cachat’s Folly if he hadn’t pulled these schemes off way too many times.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Tarkovsky demanded.
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