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Citation de levri

“Then we’re done for the moment.” Cachat rose. “Let me introduce you to some of the people waiting outside.”
The first person they encountered after leaving the pavilion was a tall, powerful looking blonde.
“Here’s one of your commissioners,” Cachat said. “Yana Tretiakovna. And here are a couple of others.” Two more people came from around the side of the pavilion. “The one on the left is Indiana Graham,” he said.
But all three of the PNE officers’ eyes were fixed on Indy’s companion. Or rather, on his companion’s companion, who rode his human’s shoulder.
“That’s a treecat.”
There was more than a trace of protest in Trevithick’s tone, and Cachat glanced at him. The dispassionate, almost bored expression was back.
“What part of ‘I am a very difficult person to betray’ are you having the most trouble with, Citizen Commander?”
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