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Citation de Partemps

JMS: In short, what he dreams
of, is the liquidation of Thomism,3
for me the soul is the form
of the body and nothing more.
PQ: I am a Platonist, a Neoplatonist.4
JMS: Me, I’m a Thomist.
Paul Virilio:5
I believe that we
cannot find a way out of the
current situation in accepting
that the world is catastrophic,
apocalyptic, and marvelous all
at once. It is both; everything is
going faster; everything is more
rewarding, and everything is
more tragic. The day when we
have understood that, we will
finally be in a Shakespearian era,
where the heroes will be great
in the drama. The world will be
there, but it will be abandoned.
When the elevator was invented, we lost the staircase; we lose
the staircase, which becomes
the “emergency exit”…
JMS: The world in which we
live manufactures invalids, substitutes, and legless cripples!
PV: The overriding danger is
that there exists an emergency
reality and humanity, which exists but no longer has the right
to its story.
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