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Critiques de Kris Ripper (3)
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The Boyfriends Tie the Knot

I had a hard time at the start. I don't really know why or I think I know I just finished to read heated rivalry lol.

But after some time, I finally feel the story. I didn't know that Molly would make a come back and be involved again in the gang. I don't know what to feel about it because I really thought it was the end. And her come back feels random. I mean she was not there and then she is. They didn't really talk about their breakup and the way that it happened in the book where the boyfriends are getting married didn't feel right.

Because I wanted the boyfriends at the center. So I don't really understand what the author tried to do with Molly in this book.

I still loved this. I still loved the characters (Molly included), the gang, the emotions, the sex scenes qnd everything. But just the plot here didn't feel right this time.
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Take Three Breaths

I will not lie. I didn't feel the beginning. Time jump of 1/2 years, Hugh being depressed with not build-up and Jason. Sorry I didn't like him and even if I see what the author try to do with him and the story, I think it didn't really work for me.

I felt like the book starts with no link with the 2 previous book. It was 2 years of relationship and bam Hugh is being cold depressed. It lacks of the depht I was used to in this series.

But then, the magics happened. And I have to admit it's when Will finally enters the scene.

What I really like in this book and what the author did was brilliant, is that when a character is at the heart of the intrigue the POV was with an another character.

- Hugh being depressed and how can it be helped : Truman POV

- Hugh and Truman relationship are in a deep turning point : Will POV

- Truman is having a family crisis : Hugh POV

I really like how we see the characters struggled by the eyes of the others. It adds so much depth and characterizations.

When I was reading, and Will enters the scene to help Truman and the Truman/Hugh couple. I remember saying that I really loved the Hugh/Will dynamics and that they were really a great couple because book 1 gave us many great moments between them. And that 3 books in, I still didn't have the same with Hugh/Truman (without Will). And OMG It finally happened. The last third of the book is chef kiss.
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Catalysts: The Scientific Method

Well I have to thanks the Little Red and Big Bad series that I finished yestarday for making me start this series. Because at first, when I read the blurb and the ones of the other in the series I said : It's not for me. I will never read that.

But Chapter 4 of book 2 of LRBB, introduced a short story with a couple with a mention of an another guy. And in this story I just fell in love with Hugh and was intrigued by Truman and Will.... the main characters of this series. Maybe even more than Red and Bad.


So I said "ok let's see how it is" Because even if the idea of polymourous relationship doesn't attract me at all, in the short story I kind of feel/like the vibe of this relationship between 3 guys. So maybe just maybe the genese of the story could be good...


Spoiler : it was.


I really really liked what the author did there. The character's development, their relationship are well done. We start with Will and his kinks, and the author took the time to develop the relationship between Hugh and him. And then we have Hugh. Let me say that even if the book doesn't start with him, the fact that he is the 2nd POV is smart. Because for me he is the central focus of the story. And the introduction of Truman later confirms that.


It's true that Truman and Hugh are not as well developped than Will/Hugh. It's an insta/love-like. And usually I hate that. But it kind of works here, or it's just because I really like Hugh. I don't know.


The way the dynamics between the three of them is slowly building was great to read. I don't think we are there yet. The short story was in a future where they are not at the moment of this story. But it was still good. And I would have never think that I will enjoy this kind of story.


It's part of sexy kink, romance, questionings and feelings. It had actually everything I like in a romance book for a girl who doesn't really like typical romance book. Because it's not the typical romance.


I want to see how Hugh/Truman will evolve (without Will) because we actually don't see as much of them alone as Hugh/Will. And eventually how Hugh/Truman/Will will go.

And I want to see more about each of them. Because I think they all have their anxiety.
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