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Citation de Zebra

'As to temper the Jubjub's a desperate bird,
Since it lives in perpetual passion:
Its taste in costume is entirely absurd -
It is ages ahead of the fashion:

'But it knows any friend it has met once before:
It never will look at bride:
And in charity-meetings it stands at the door,
And collects - though it does not subscribe.

Its flavour when cooked is more exquisite far
Than mutton, or oysters, or eggs:
(Some think it keeps best in any ivory jar,
And some, in mahogany kegs:)

'You boil it in sawdust: you salt it in glue:
You condense it with locusts and tape:
Still keeping one principal object in view -
To preserve its symmetrical shape.' (page 40 & 41)
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