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Citation de Tancrede50

Who are those now standing up, speaking out and taking risks against encroaching tyranny?
Overwhelmingly, it is not the "Zoom class", for all their virtue-signaling about social justice.
It is working people. It is truckers, moms, firefighters, and cops. When I spoke at a rally against forcing injections on first responders in NYC, the audience was made up mostly of working people. The people who march for every other cause in NYC - my affluent, liberal "tribe" - sat that one out.
It was the first responders who put their bodies in harm's way for the safety of my colleagues and acquaintances. But when it came to it, when it came to protecting the bodies of first responders from coercion and harm, the "Zoom class" failed utterly to reciprocate with courage of their own. To say the least, in this time of testing, we have not all been equally brave.
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