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Citation de lanard

The history fo India's geography and civilization reminds us of the significance of each generation in the vastness fo time. The greatest of India's monarch and thinkers too felt it. So they left behing their stories and thoughts in ballads, folktales, epics and inscriptions. Even if these memories are not always literally true, what matters is that they carry on the essence of India's civilization. On the island of Mauritius, descendants of Indian immigrants have tranferred their memories of the river Ganga to a lake, Ganga Talao, that they now hold as sacred. A very long time ago, their distant ancestors would have similarly transferred the memory of the Saraswati to the Ganga. Geography is not just about the physical terrain, but also about the meaning that we attribute to it. Thus, the Saraswati flows, invisibily, art Allahabad.
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