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Citation de gloubiboulga07186

Felix stepped to one side so he was out of Leopold's reach and tilted his head, his eyes flicking up and down as if seeing him for the first time before settling on the expensive leather riding boots that Leopold was wearing. "Those aren't the boots of a scoundrel or a thief. They're top quality."

"Yes, they are."

"And your trousers are far too fine for a commoner." Felix's eyes widened, and Leo could see the moment the truth dawned on him. "You're—you're not stealing this horse, are you ?"

"No, I'm not," Leopold agreed with a sigh.

Felix made a high-pitched noise in his throat and continued to back away, a tremor in his voice as he pointed at Blackbird "This is—is this your horse ? Are you—are you him ?"
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