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Citation de Dandylion

Enormous crabs were sidling in and out between the shells, telling each other how strange it was that the water had disappeared. They wondered who had taken it away and when it would come back. "Thank goodness I'm not a jellyfish!" said one. "Out of the water they are nothing but miserable little splodges, but we of course are equally happy wherever we are."
"I feel so sorry for anybody who wasn't born a crab," said another." It's quite possible that this drying-up of the sea has been arranged especially so that we shall have more space to live in."
"What an excellent thought! Why not a world peopled entirely by crabs?" exclaimed a third, waving his claws.
"Self-satisfied creatures!" muttured Snufkin. "Try dazzling them with the looking-glass, and see if they know what to do then."
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