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Citation de pegase-shiatsu

[version de la même période historique en Français dans Parlons Tibétain, dans ce livre c'est en anglais]
During the reign of Trisong Deutsen (khri srong lde'u
btsan), Tibetan language received an extensive revision. In spite of the dark era caused by the
prosecution of Buddhism by Lang Darma, it gave a much needed motivation amongst the Tibetans to
send more Tibetans to study Buddhadharma in India. As a result, in 10th century galaxies of eminent
Tibetan translators emerged including Lochren Rinchen Sangpo, Drogmi Lotsawa Shaky a Yeshi,
Ngok Lotsawa Lodhen Sherab and others. They were responsible for the revival of Buddhism in
Tibet and standardisation of the complex Tibetan Buddhist terminology. The entire Tibetan Buddhist
canon were compiled under the supervision of Buton Rinpoche and were printed in wooden
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