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Citation de pegase-shiatsu

The thirty consonants of the Tibetan alphabet known as "I'w'.r§"i·~ .. rqil· gsal byed sum bcu are
classified into seven and half groups of four. The order in which the four letters are arranged in
each group are very significant in terms of the Tibetan phonology. Thus Tibetan alphabet is
traditionally written sequentially in four columns in seven and half horizontal rows as given below.
Grammatically these groups are named after the first letters of each group ~'(~ ..
"''1 v
Palatal and Labial
Platal and Labial
Partial bending from the head in narrowness
Nearly closed lips in narrowness
Slight contact with head, rising in broad space
Uplifting of lower lip
Practise hoy.' to pronounce the consonants clearly. No phonetic system can teach the correct
pronunciation unless one listens and learn it from a native speaker. Written characters are designed
to help to express the unalterable sound and meaning of the spoken language (this is what the
Sanskrit word for letter aksara means). Try to recognize the characters of the Tibetan alphabet so
that the appropriate pronunciation of the letters can be learnt with minimum help of the Romanized
forms. Even if the Romanized forms prove helpful in the preliminary stages, do not develop a
habit of not writing and reading in the language one is supposedly learning. Even if we know the
grammar of the language, we will never be able to speak or write it properly if we do not use the
script. Historically, until Tibet's recent colonization there had been no attempt to enforce a foreign
script and leave Tibetan redundant.
1.9.a In most Tibetan grammmaticalliterature, the place of origin of a letter clj·~iS.·~·"Ii!i»r (yi ge'i
skye gnas) is discussed in great length under four important topics: The three narrow places of
articulation ~"I'
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