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Citation de pegase-shiatsu

List of verbs

A Tibetan verb can come in two to folir different forms to expressl the three tenses and the Imperative. In forming different tenses and moods, the root of a verb can be affected either by the addition, delition or susbstitution of a prefix, the second suffix '\I'. Sometimes even the root
letter is transformed and the vowel is dropped. Examples of verbs which only has one form for all tenses and moods will not be listed asthey are unlikely to cause any problem as long as one can find their meaning in dictionaries. IJl spite of the importance of knowing the rules which
govern the spelling changes of the verbs for the tenses and moods it is equally important that. students become familiarised with the various auxiliary verbs which are applicable for the main
verbs. The limited understanding of the cultural, historical and religious context and the ignorance of the way Tibetan speaking people think, write and talk make many textual scholarsconfused and blame the ambiguity of the language. It is the inherent danger of learning any
languages through books and have no practical application of using it as a living language.
Memorizing some rigid grammatical rules written some 1300 years ago is inadeqaute if one is unprepared to examine the relevance of such the present day and why the changes have occurred. Any system of theory which is not applied in every day practice is redundant.
Following are some of my observations on spelling changes of Tibetan verbs:
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