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Critique de clemia

How complicated must it be to live Brody's life? His family had to move in a very tiny flat because of money issues, his dad has agoraphobia (hence the money issues), he is being bullied on a daily basis and he has to live in the shadow of his genius big brother. The list goes on and on, he is not particularly unhappy but he is not happy either. Pretty stuck, his life basically does not feel like his own. He desperatly needs a way to escape.
Which he found in Nico, who magically appears, wearing beautiful blue fairy wings and who rescues Brody from the evil witches and bullies, Leanne and Michelle. Nico is literaly shining with freedom, sure of who he is. And he happens to let Brody in on a secret that will bring joy and friends to the young narrator: the gate to Everland.

Sophie Cameron depicts really well the life of Brody, a middle child, used to adapt and to accept things the way they are without being asked. He understands people or always tries to, he rarely gets angry, because every one has it hard. However, all the frustration and the sadness do not disapear. It builds up.

Everland gives Brody the best way to ease his impression of being a failure, of being not enough. He can simply BE when he is there. A place where all lost people gather up, dressing up, dancing, playing, having a lot of fun without any kind of limits or risks. Brody makes new friends there and soon starts to feel more and more at home.

Without telling you how the story develops, I will just say how well the story was put together, bringing images immediatly to my head. The family dynamic is what moved me the most. The relationship between Brody and his parents, his brother and his little sister found echo in my own experiences. Though I never had it as hard as him. I found Cameron's way of describing it with small details, letting us fill in the moments that stayed out of the book, pretty brilliant. She also told the hardship of being a different adolescent in a very smart way, giving Brody a feel of realness rare to see in YA books. I loved the ending, and it was a very good book to start the year with.
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