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Critique de Roselys17

Last Night at the Telegraph Club was an excellent read, at the crossroads of historical fiction, romance and coming-of-(queer)-age. Malinda Lo managed to perfectly interweave the events in Lily's life and her budding romance with those historical ones, such as the Red Scare.

The romance between Lily and another young girl is developed slowly and delicately and feels realistic. The narration is very fluid with short chapters that constantly make you want to keep reading. The historical events are very well introduced allowing a good understanding even if (like me) you were not very familiar with the 50's period in San Francisco.

The novel is very well researched, with timelines between some chapters, and ends with a bibliography and a note by Malinda Lo where she details some of the historical elements present in the book and particularly, explains her vocabulary choices.
Last Night at the Telegraph Club is a very special book. Some of its themes are very rare in Young Adult literature. I don't know of any other book about a queer Chinese-American young woman living in San Francisco's Chinatown in the 1950s. Also, many of the women in the book are passionate about science fiction, mathematics, space exploration, aviation, something quite rare in literature as well.

If you need one last reason to read this novel: it takes place in San Francisco (yes, that's an argument only if, like me, this city makes you dream.)

[critique publiée également sur mon compte insta @roselys_thebibliotaph ]
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