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Critique de cxym16

Tiananmen square horror in live. its more vivid than the Tananmen square protest documentary. As the authur was really present in the protest or witnessed by his own eyes. I followed his observing eyes from the pro, during, after the protest. How the protest gets to where it was? how was it turned to its peak? how was it ended tragically? how did it turn out for those who attended the protest? How did his family suffer? How were falungong tortured? Chinese or chinese communist logic is through it 100%. Chinese communist regime is not possible to surrender to this kind of protests. Its aboslute a shaking element and deepdown fear of communist controling their fought property without their group.
Its from black and white writing about this every important turning point of chinese communist history.Its not just a young students messing around with their naive passion and manupulated by the western countries. Its not also righteous and all for justness. Gaining power is the end point. Powered by the passion of students, not many people know the final purpose of the protest at the end. The true struggle and corruption was real. It started the protest. I would say China missed this opportunity to change from dictatorship to the democracy. and then now and then never.
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