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Critique de ReadinginRheims

Drama is a comic book. It is about a girl called Callie who is engaged in a drama club. She decides to organize a play. She can't really sing and so she can't be part of the play. She became the director of the crew.
The main characters are : Callie , Jesse and Justin. A lot of distractions appear. Her crew is having trouble when all the people work together. During this story, Callie met two twins : Justin and Jesse. Then, she fell in love with the latter but she discovers that he is attracted by boys. My favorite moment is when Jesse and Callie are going to the mall bookstore. Callie is really delighted in front of all the vinyls , bookmarks and publications. I relate to her because I will have the same reaction in the same situation ! I don't want to give you more explanations because I think that I spoil things and ruin the reader's pleasure.
I love this story because this book is an easier way for young kids to start understanding more about homosexuality: even though there are homosexual characters, the book is not about them, so kids can start to understand that homosexual people are part of life and that they are just like everyone else, and deserve to be treated the same.

First of all, the story speaks about a girl who falls in love of a boy during a drama class. But the boy is a homosexual boy. The graphic novel is written like a play, in acts. The fact that the characters are all involved in the middle school play only supports the play-within-a-play concept. This book is very instructive. There are images: it is thus easier to understand the story. Also, the book handles a subject which is very important nowadays, because it speaks about the homosexuality. It is important to see that homosexuals are like us and that they are different on no account. I liked a lot this book. It is simple to read and the images allow to understand better comedy if we have a little of evil. I recommend this book to everyone.

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