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3.55/5 (sur 11 notes)

Nationalité : France
Né(e) à : Saint-Petersbourg , le 30/11/1978
Biographie :

Alexei GRINBAUM est chercheur, spécialiste de l'information quantique. Ses travaux portent sur les questions éthiques liées aux nouvelles technologies, l'étude de la place des récits dans la perception des nouvelles technologies. Il est à l'origine d'une méthodologie fondée sur les récits pour une approche innovante du problème de la responsabilité du chercheur.
Alexei Grinbaum est également coordinateur pour la France de l'Observatoire européen des nanotechnologies.

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Bibliographie de Alexeï Grinbaum   (3)Voir plus

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Alexei Grinbaum – Physicist and philosopher – CEA-Saclay/Larsim, France The Oxford Handbook - Département de physique Université Paris Cité - Universidade Federal da Bahia - ARCHIMEDES S.I.E.E. Project - SPHERE-UMR7219-CNRS - APC, present two days of history and epistemology of the foundations of Quantum Mechanics. On the occasion of the publication of The Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations. Nearly a century after its formulation and despite its unprecedented predictive successes in accounting for physical processes, quantum mechanics is still at the center of a lively debate.In the same spirit as The Oxford handbook of the history of Quantum Interpretations, the two days offer a historical overview of the contrasts that have been at the heart of quantum physics over the past 100 years. Drawing on the extensive expertise of several lecturers working in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. Thus, the objective of these two days is to fuel the ongoing debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics by dealing with the major open questions concerning the interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. April 14 and 15, 2023 - Université Paris Diderot - France Organizing Committee : Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, Olival Freire, Joseph Kouneiher et Michel Paty
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