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Bibliographie de Anthony Thornton   (1)Voir plus


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Bon faut pas s’laisser abattre, tant pis pour les voisins (si ça tombe ça leur plaira) ; Allez à fond …

Don't look back into the sun
Now you know that the time has come
And they said it would never come for you, oh-oh-oh
Oh, my friend you haven't changed
You're looking rough and living strange
And I know you got a taste for it too oh-oh-oh
And they'll never forgive you but they won't let you go, oh no
She'll never forgive you but she won't let you go, oh no
Don't look back into the sun
You've cast your plans but you're on the run
And all the lies you said, who did you save?
But when they played that song at the Death Disco
It started fast but it ends so slow
And all the time it just reminded me of you
They'll never forgive you but they won't let you go (let me go!)
She'll never forgive you but she won't let you go, oh no
They'll never forgive you but they won't let you go (let me go!)
She'll never forgive you but she won't let you go, oh no
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Les frontières des ... (La Quête d’Ewilan) ?


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