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Bibliographie de Debbie Nelson   (1)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
I was so proud of my son. I'd never doubted his talent, I always knew he'd make it. [...] He called to say the single was in the top 10. "My name is" followed and The Slim Shady LP entered the billboard pop chart at number 2. Eminem was the name on everyone's lips. My son Marshall was a star.
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"The more foul I am, the more they love me", he said.
And so began the great Eminem show.
Many things have been said about my son since he rocketed to fame in 1999 with The Slim Shady LP. American President George W. Bush called him "the most dangerous threat to american children since polio". [...]
Depending on you believe, he's a woman-hating, gay-bashing gangster or a genius with a talent for irony.
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I was officially the most hated mother in America.
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Les classiques de la littérature française

L'homme qui rit

Honoré de Balzac
Victor Hugo
Gustave Flaubert

15 questions
1920 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature , littérature française , auteur françaisCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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