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Citation de collectifpolar

He went to the kitchen and returned with one of the paper bags the city distributed to hold paper for collection. He opened it and lowered the Prousts carefully inside, then returned to the shelf, carrying the bag, then returned to the shelf, carrying the bag. He set it beside him, knelt again, and glanced more carefully at the remaining books, making a series of visceral judgements, adding the books to the bag without bothering to give them the opportunity to plead for their lives from the temporary safety of Paola’s desk. Moby Dick; The Man of Feeling ; I promessi Sposi, which he’d been forced to read as a student in liceo and had hated. It had survived because, until now, he‘d lacked the courage to believe a ‘classic’ could be such a bore, but into the bag, it went. (…)
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