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Citation de Kenehan

Wiccan : Oh my God, Katie, what are you...
Hawkeye : I'm gonna walk out of here and try not to cry in front of the Avengers, get back to the Clubhouse, and then figure out if I can make that Hawkingbird shtick stick. Please--don't tell the guys about this, okay?

Of course, that's not how it works. There are no secrets between couples like Billy and Teddy. Teddy might be half-alien but he's all sweetheart, and he'll want to tell my best friend so she can help me. But Cassie won't want to upset me any more, and won't know what to do. So she'll ask her robot supercomputer boyfriend for advice, and he... Well, the Vision doesn't understand human nuance sometimes. The minute Eli senses everybody talking about something he doesn't know, he'll go to him to get it straight. And then...

Eli : Oh my God, you lost your bow? And your name?!?

...then I'm in for a little payback.
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