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2/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : Australie
Biographie :

Lizabeth Rolls est autrice de romance historique.
Elle vit à Adelaide Hills dans le sud de l'Australie.

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Bibliographie de Elizabeth Rolls   (6)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Verity hudled into the murk by the chimney stack, watching through the shifting veil of rain as two men, little more than dense shadows in the pouring blackness, carried their grisly burden from the cottage to the cart. The horse between the shafts tucked his tail in and stamped restlessly, snorting as the stench of death reached him. The boy at his head murmured in shaking tones and held his lantern higher."One, two, three..." A thud followed as the men swung the body on to the back of the cart.Her heart tightened.
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Quiz Voir plus

Le quiz qui décoiffe !! 🌪 🌪 🌪

"Vent d'est, vent d'ouest" :

pearl buck
jewel buck
ruby buck

12 questions
47 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : vent , ouragan , culture générale , cyclone , météo , baba yagaCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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