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Citation de gloubiboulga07186

Dear Lobstershorts, I saw your dad today. He asked me if I'd heard from you. I hope you don't mind that I showed him the photo you sent me. He was really happy to see it, and honestly a little mopey that you haven't been in contact.

He also told me that you like Lenny's sandwiches. I'm definitely a fan.

TL;DR: My pics aren't half as cool as yours, but I want you to know that I'm pulling myself together. Mostly. Well, I'm probably still the same disaster you always knew. I know you deserve better than what I gave you. I don't know if I'll ever be boyfriend material. But I'm working on my outlook.

I'm going to eat this sandwich now and then compile a report on interest rates of senior debt across the yield curve. Which is fun, I promise.

You take care. Keep the photos coming. Even if I'm hopeless at relationships I still look forward to every one of them.
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