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Vidéos de Gary Gygax (2)
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Penelope20 mars 2016
Gary Gygax, DMing White Box D&D, Portsmouth 2003
Penelope20 mars 2016
A visit to the former home of Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons. It was in the basement of this home at 330 Center Street, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, where Gygax, Dave Arneson, and other gamers added fantasy and role-playing elements to miniature tabletop strategy games. These rules would eventually become the first version of D&D. The tour also includes a brief tour of Lake Geneva, home of Gygax's company Tactical Studies Rules, later known as TSR, Inc., the publisher of D&D and other role-playing products; there's also a brief visit to Horticultural Hall, the first venue for the gaming convention Gen Con in 1968). D&D historian Jon Peterson, author of Playing At the World: A History of Simulating Wars, People and Fantastic Adventures, shot this video, entitled "Gaming at the Gygax House."
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