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Bibliographie de Gordon Legge   (1)Voir plus


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The sight that greeted Hazel once she'd squeezd her way past the perfumed queue was not one she particularly cared for, and she barely acknowledged Gary and Graeme with the grudging half-smile sh'd developed for the folk with their charity tins on Saturday afternoons.
No, Hazel wasn't what you'd call overly fond of Gary and Graeme. They were part of the baggage that came along with Andy, though, and going by what she knew of them - and what they were up to just now was pretty typical, leering away like that - it was likely that they would be around, like unwanted facial hair, forever and ever amen.
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Lecteurs de Gordon Legge (2)Voir plus

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Les femmes et la littérature

Quel est le nom du roman de Marie NDiaye qui lui a valu le prix Goncourt en 2009 ?

Alabama song
Trois femmes puissantes
Les Heures souterraines
Trois jours chez ma mère

10 questions
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Thèmes : Femmes écrivains , femmes , HéroïnesCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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